Monday, April 8, 2013

Opening Day!

Opening day of baseball season was last week which is a HUGE day in the life of a Cub's fan!  Daddy has been looking forward to this day since about half way through last season because it is starting fresh and a new optimism is in the air.  Even for a tried and true Cubs fan who has had their heart broken year after year.  Opening day is a day to say "maybe this year!"  Olive and I decided we wanted to make this a fun night for Daddy, so we recorded the game so we could all watch it together when he got home and then went to work creating our own little "Wrigley field" feeling in the dining room.  We had the table all set with the baseball essentials: popcorn, peanuts, cracker jacks and sunflower seeds!  For supper we served brats and hot dogs, stadium cuisine at it's finest.  And we did a little decorating.  Daddy appreciated our cheesiness and we had a great time cheering on the Cubbies!

 Even Nora Kate got dressed up for the occasion!
And guess what? THEY WON!  Maybe it is our year...

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