Monday, March 21, 2011

Oh So Fun!

Dano and Honey came down Friday evening for a play date with little miss. They didn't know what they were in for! Olive got a bowling set for Christmas (Thanks Pop!) that she adores. It is a bit noisy, so it comes out on "special occasions". She saw it at the top of the closet and kept saying "My ball, my ball" so Dano got it down for her. Our hallway is the perfect bowling lane, so he set it up and then they started bowling...
Hooray!! Then the ever meticulous Dano showed her how to set them back up exactly the right way.
When he went back to the end of the hall, she decided to check them to make sure they were right..

Look at this mischievous grin!And then knocked them all down again!
This little routine went on for quite a while with lots of giggling and squeals. Then she decided to play with her animal puzzle with Honey.

Wrigley had to help.

Thank you Dano and Honey for coming to play! We had so much fun!

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