Sunday, December 18, 2011

The Gingerbread House

Today Olive woke up with a very runny nose and a puffy swollen face. We decided that staying home from church was probably the best plan to avoid passing this along to any of her friends. Her advent calendar activity was to build a gingerbread house. I headed over to Homeland and picked up a kit. I know that there are so many fabulous people out there who bake their own and blah, blah, blah, but I buy the kit. It started out pretty well, with Olive carefully placing candies on the house.
And then she realized there were M&M's and I think she ate her weight in them...
Back to decorating.
Wrigley was so sweet to sit nearby and help if anything fell off of the table.

After a while she started pouring all of the candy from one container to another. She thought this was great fun!

It didn't take long for her to want to help with the icing, which she was very good at!
The finished product! Not bad for our first attempt!

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